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The HC RiskMonitor©

There is no doubt that executive burnout is increasing around the world and little information is available for companies to learn about how to create resilient burnout-free corporate cultures. What is burnout? Burnout is a state of mental and/or physical exhaustion whereby an individual has reached a point of diminishing effectiveness on their job, and even possibly in their life, that continues to accelerate in severity unless action is taken to reverse the process.


The cause of burnout is multi-faceted with variations on the possible reasons or ‘tipping points’ for burnout. Burnout can have costly negative effects on organisations. Through our research, we have found that the top 6 causes of burnout are:


  • Rising work demands and shrinking resources

  • Lack of appreciation and recognition

  • Poorly trained managers who don't know how to lead

  • Failure to deal with negative underperforming or toxic people

  • Confusing or non-transparent career paths

  • Rigid schedules and projects that give no time for special insterests or time away from work


In organisations, burnout can contribute to lack of retention of top talent, poor customer service, more accidents & mistakes, damaged reputation and image, and overall diminished organisational performance. Our objectives:


  • Clearly measure the specific risk of burnout in your organisation

  • Provide data from your employee insights into the organisational causes of burnout

  • Find out, directly from your stakeholders, what steps your organisation can take to mitigate the risk of burnout among your employees

  • Offer prioritized areas of focus so your organisation can better identify the risks of employee burnout and the associated pay-off for mitigating those risks.


What is the HC RiskMonitor©? It is an online tool that gathers data from individuals in order to measure personal risk for burnout and interpret that data into aggregate results that can demonstrate the overall risk factors for the team.  As in any risk management process, the intent is to uncover possible risks to be mitigated and discover strengths to be maximized. 


To view our HC RiskMonitor© brochure, please click here.


About HCRiskMonitor© and our client relationship philosophy


All our consultants have spent many years working with major global organisations and understand the pressures and responsibilities of your position. We not only work in a consultative manner but PARTNERSHIP is our key strength. We can quickly acclimate to your corporate culture and keep the focus on your specific business needs. We are as flexible as your business needs require us to be. We never bring pre‐conceived solutions or impose our business models on you. What we offer is solid expertise and experience to provide you with the best possible consulting experience and unique methods to ultimately sustain a more resilient workforce. Our associates come from a wide range of industries and we would highly value the opportunity to help you build and sustain a workplace that cultivates resilience.

To view our HC RiskMonitor© brochure, please click here.

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